Home remedies to get rid of vaginal looseness due to delivery or any other reason - Ayurvedlight : The Light OF Ayurveda. An English portal for Ayurveda


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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Home remedies to get rid of vaginal looseness due to delivery or any other reason

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Vaginal Looseness Due to Delivery or Any Other Reason -

Home remedies to get rid of vaginal looseness,


Home Remedies To Tighten Vagina --

Usually, the vagina becomes loose due to pregnancy and delivery. After delivery, the mind of many women is plagued by the question that what can they do to tighten the vagina sitting at home, let's know the answer to this question.

After delivery or due to any injury etc. or due to excessive sex, there is loosening in the vagina, due to which many times sex is not as enjoyable as it used to be before delivery or delivery. For this reason, women become worried about the changes in the vagina after delivery.If you are also troubled by this problem, then to know the Ayurvedic solution to this problem, click on the link given below to read our other website Ayurvedlight --- The Light Of Ayurveda But this is in Hindi.

योनि के ढीलेपन या योनिशेथिल्य को दूर करने के आयुर्वेदिक औषधीय समाधान

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It is normal for women to have looseness in the vagina after delivery. Apart from this, due to increasing age or any injury, sometimes the vagina can become loose. Sex life is affected due to looseness in the vagina and both men and women do not get complete sexual pleasure.
Nowadays, although there are many types of medical options available to tighten the vagina, but if you want to tighten the vagina by home remedies at home, then the following remedies can be beneficial for you.

yoga to tighten vagina --

yoga for tighten Vagina


Yoga is very important to stay mentally and physically fit. Some special yoga poses daily help in tightening the muscles of the vagina. Setubandhasana (सेतुबंधासन) is one such pelvic floor exercise that tightens the pelvic muscles of women. Taking deep breaths is also beneficial in tightening the vagina.

Benefits of Taking Steam With Ayurvedic Medicinal Water In The Vagina For Vaginal Looseness  ---

Benefits of Taking Steam With Ayurvedic Medicinal Water In The Vagina For Vaginal Looseness

Ayurveda has tried to make human life fit and healthy in every way, sex is a very important part of our life,Therefore, herbs, chemicals, etc. have been used in Ayurveda to overcome the problems related to sex. For this problem also, steam is given in the vagina with the water of herbs in Ayurveda.It is not necessary that this work will be done in the spa, apart from the spa, you can also take vaginal steaming at your home. For this, you have to warm water mixed with herbs and steam your vagina with it. You can steam your vagina by mixing herbs like Neem, Chamomile, Tulsi and Oregano, or using them alone.

Pelvic Stretch Exercise Beneficial in Loosening of Vagina-

Pelvic Stretch Exercise Beneficial in Loosening of Vagina

  You can do pelvic stretches Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic region. For this you have to sit on the edge of a chair and spread your legs wide. After this, bend towards the heels and spread the arms. You have to turn your pelvic part inwards. This is a very effective exercise to strengthen the vaginal muscles and tighten the vagina.


Squat Exercise Is Beneficial In Vaginal Loosening---

Squat exercises are very beneficial for strengthening and toning the lower parts of our body. This exercise also helps in tightening the vagina. To do the squat, stand with both feet wide and then slowly bend the knees and bend down and then come back up. Keep in mind that your hips should be facing outwards during the Squat Exercise . This exercise will not only tighten the vagina but also tone your body.

Kegel Exercises for Vaginal Loosening ----

 If you want to get rid of the looseness of your vagina, then start doing Kegel exercises from today itself. You will start feeling the miraculous difference within a month. This is the first exercise you should do to tighten the vagina.

Read- What is Kegel Exercise 
Balanced diet is very necessary to tighten the vagina ----
Apart from exercise, a good diet also plays a very important role in tightening the vagina. You should include foods that contain estrogen hormone in your diet. Pomegranate, soybean, carrot, apple etc. are some of the fruits in which this hormone is found in abundance. And they strengthen the muscles of the body. Also read: After delivery, it takes so much time for the vagina to tighten back.
Balanced diet is very necessary to tighten the vagina

Eat a balanced diet daily to maintain your target weight. According to research, women who often lose weight and gain significant weight have floppy vulva or floppy vaginal lips. This is because the vulva or lips stretch when you gain weight and shrink back when you lose weight. So it is very important to maintain a healthy weight according to your age and size.

प्रकृति का मानव को वरदान है सेब 


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