Beauty Tips: Homemade Ayurvedic Harbal Bleach - Use it first then believe. - Ayurvedlight : The Light OF Ayurveda. An English portal for Ayurveda


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Sunday, March 6, 2022

Beauty Tips: Homemade Ayurvedic Harbal Bleach - Use it first then believe.

Herbals Bleach Cream making at Home

Use Home Made Bleach twice a week,face will glow , instant homemade bleach for face

Beauty Tips: Homemade Ayurvedic Harbal Bleach - Use it first then believe.

Ayurvedlight- The Light Of Ayurveda has always been trying to attract you towards Ayurveda, no area of ​​our life is untouched by Ayurveda. But modern life has made every effort to distance us from Ayurveda and as more as the person trapped in these efforts, he has suffered his health matters.Today in this post we will discuss about an area of ​​life which is associated with our beauty.

यह भी पढ़े- यौवन ऊर्जा क्या है और इसको कैसे बरकरार रखें।

Today we have brought such a formula which will not only give a natural look to your skin but will also cleanse and nourish it, this is a type of bleach which is completely Ayurvedic. You will have to use this Ayurvedic bleach only two days in a week. After using this your skin will glow , this bleach will bring life to your lifeless skin and at the same time it will give moisture to your face. it will also improve your skin, that too in a very natural way, let's know how 

Beauty Tips: Homemade Ayurvedic Harbal Bleach - Use it first then believe.

Soundarya Prabha Natural Facepack works as both a homemade bleach and a face pack.

Use this homemade bleach twice a week, the color and glow of the face will change.

If chemical bleach does not suit you, then you can use natural bleach prepared at home. This will give a life to your lifeless skin. This will moisturize the face and make the skin glow. 

  यह भी पढ़े- गंजेपन का कारण और निवारण, गंजे सिर पर बाल उगाऐं लाज शर्म से मुक्ति पायें ।

Our skin becomes dry, dark and lifeless due to wrong diet, the effect of ultraviolet rays and without proper care. In this way every woman and man feels a little uncomfortable and trying to use every chemical on their skin and make it a laboratory . But every effort to improve the skin become vain And  skin problems starts.

Often women use bleach to brighten the skin. Bleach is actually used to minimize the level of melanin, which makes the skin tone dark, as well as it is used to repair broken cells of the skin. But sometimes this bleach (Modren Bleach) also does not suit many people because it is made from chemical substances, so it has some side effects also.

यह भी पढ़े--  गुणों की खान हल्दी Turmeric- the mine of Qualities

If you are also in a dilemma about a similar problem, then do not be disappointed.  Ayurvedalight - The Light of Ayurveda has brought you a very good Ayurvedic formula. which is very cheap as well as Natural and anyone can prepare it at home. It is completely natural and  Ayurvedic, it will neither take much labor nor more money to prepare this natural bleach. It will bring a natural glow on your skin than chemical bleach and you will not be afraid of any side effect. 

Natural Ayurvedic Bleach Ingredients--

Beauty Tips: Homemade Ayurvedic Harbal Bleach - Use it first then believe.

 You do not need a lot of ingredients to make this Natural Ayurvedic Bleach, only and only three things are enough for this. By mixing these three things, you can easily prepare it at home. To make it, you have to take half a tablespoon of Vaseline, a teaspoon of tomato puree and a quarter tablespoon of turmeric powder.

Natural Ayurvedic Bleach Making Process--

To make Natural Ayurvedic Bleach, first make a puree by grinding tomatoes, and put the puree in a bowl, mix turmeric powder and Vaseline in it. Now mix all the things well and make a paste, your bleach is ready.

यह भी पढ़े- कोलेस्ट्राल से बचना चाहते हैं तो करें टमाटर का यह प्रयोग

 How to use Natural Bleach

Before using Bleach on your face, thoroughly cleanse the skin from your neck to face. After this, apply a thick layer of bleach from your neck to face skin,for about half an hour leave it on. This bleach will dry out a bit during this half hour. After drying, wash your face with clean water.Using this bleach twice a week will make your skin and face glowing. If you are going to attend a function, then follow this process a day before, the worth seeing glow will come on your face on the day of the function. 

You can do this bleach twice a week. your skin will be glowing and the face will become very glowing. Apart from this, doing it a day before attending any function gives a lot of glow on your face.

यह भी पढ़ें --  दाँत मजबुत रखने का विल्कुल घरेलू उपाय - आयुर्वेद का चमत्कार

इस पोस्ट को यदि हिन्दी में पढ़ना चाहते हैं तो यहाँ क्लिक करें।

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